Track Our Commitment to Success in Madison
First Student is committed to providing safe, reliable and quality transportation services to Madison students
90.25% out of 100%
100% out of 100%
127 Drivers to 129 Routes
107% with a goal of 110%
First Student is committed to providing students, parents, teachers and school officials with timely information regarding the status of school bus operations. While all school transportation startups can expect hiccups in the early weeks, we will not rest until we fully meet our commitments to serve the Madison community. We are working diligently and taking significant measures to resolve the matter in a timely fashion. The above three key operational metrics are updated here, every Friday afternoon.
First Student's three-Point Plan
We understand the frustration of the district, administrators and the community. We have deployed a three-point plan to quickly resolve the situation to everyone’s satisfaction, especially the students. This plan includes the following: