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Consult with School Transportation Experts

FirstConsulting tailors our services to fit your needs and can help maintain your buses, manage your operations, and optimize bus routes.


Analyze efficiency, streamline operations, and simplify maintenance with First Consulting. Whether it’s through customized consulting or our à la carte services like routing, maintenance, management, safety or electrification, we work with you to develop effective and efficient solutions.

Every offering begins with a comprehensive assessment to determine the good, the bad, and the in-between. It all comes with the expertise of the industry’s number one student transportation company responsible for busing five million students safely each day.​ Let us solve your most critical transportation needs. See what we can do for your district today.


Unlike typical consulting firms, we have vast experience providing student transportation services. You can be confident that whatever your challenge is, somewhere across our business, we have already identified and implemented a solution.

experience & impact


Reduce behavior incidents on vehicles using our FirstServes program


Buses routed each year across all major routing software platforms


Qualified and highly engaged technicians who hold over 3,200 ASE certifications

$425 Million

Secured for our customers in EPA funding


EV Experts

client results

Battle Ground Public Schools Improved Student Experiences with First Consulting

Battle Ground Public Schools bridged the gap between the classroom and the school bus by working with First Consulting. The collaboration resulted in improved employee satisfaction and student experience, with fewer student incidents on the bus.

Meet our consultants

Vice President of Consulting
Senior Director of Consulting
Senior EV Principal Consultant
Senior Director of Safety &
Performance Improvement
Senior EV Principal Consultant
Principal Consultant
Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant

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US Corporate Headquarters
191 Rosa Parks Street, 8th Floor,
Cincinnati, OH 45202

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