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Dr. Frederick Williams
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Dr. Frederick Williams

Dr. Frederick Williams has been Dublin City Schools’ Superintendent since 2015. With the strategic plan as his guidepost, Dr. Williams is committed to preparing “all students to be effective communicators, problem solvers, and lifelong learners.” He believes in high achievement and success for all students, and under his leadership, the high school graduation rate has increased by 27.4 points. In fact, the Class of 2023’s was Dublin City’s highest ever at 97.7%!

Dr. Williams’ passion and desire to support all children as they reach their full potential is what first drew him to public education. A member of the Fighting Irish family for over thirty years, he began his career in 1993 as Susie Dasher Elementary’s health and physical education teacher and coach for the Dublin High School Football Team. In fact, he was selected as SDE’s Teacher of the Year in his very first year. During his Dublin City Schools tenure, Dr. Williams has served as Assistant Principal, Principal, Assistant Superintendent, and Superintendent.

Because of his vision, leadership, and ability to make tough decisions, Dublin City Schools was named Georgia’s Charter System of the Year in 2019. Moreover, the district has consistently earned the Exemplary Board Status Award through the Georgia School Boards Association from 2015 to the present.

As a progressive academic, Dr. Williams has led the way for Dublin City Schools to be recognized by the Georgia Department of Education, State School Superintendent Richard Woods, and the Charter System Foundation for his innovative vision and work in the area of advancing literacy across the community’s various continuums, including birth to five years of age. With the creation of the Big Green Reading Machine and by securing the L4GA Literacy Grant which provides additional support to those already enrolled in school, great progress is being made. Furthermoere, the brainchild of Dr. Williams was born when DCS created its Baby Irish community engagement program. The initiative started in October 2022 and is specifically geared toward connecting families with children ages Birth to Pre-K with developmentally appropriate district and community resources. Class Reunions occur each fall and spring, with our next scheduled for March 24, 2024.

Under his leadership, the district has also embraced its charter flexibility, carrying out several innovative practices. Dr. Williams spearheaded the development of the Irish Gifted Academy program of choice designed to meet the specific teaching and learning needs of the community’s gifted and high-achieving learners while also serving as a strong means of preparation and support for the College Boards’ Advanced Placement program and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Dublin High School. Additionally, Dublin City Schools was part of Cohorts 1 and 2 to implement the Accelerated Career Diploma Program, a non-traditional path to graduation that exchanges required high school courses with postsecondary training. In the Accelerated Career Diploma Program, a student is required to complete nine high school courses while simultaneously completing two Technical Certificates in one of several eligible career pathways, a technical diploma, or an associate’s degree. It was under Dr. Williams’ leadership that the district created its own salary schedule independent of the state. Furthermore, foreseeing the detrimental effects of the pandemic, Dr. Williams also decided to reach into the community by extending district mental health resources to students and parents with our “Be Well” mental health initiative starting in early 2020. Since its inception, the department has received upwards of 3,300 requests for support through our website’s “Click the Shamrock,” a confidential form that connects students, staff, and families with district-based, licensed support.

Moreover, Dr. Williams has led the way for positive stakeholder engagement and support by partnering with many local businesses and groups such as the VA Medical Center to establish the Dr. Jaroy Stuckey Workforce Development initiative, a program designed to connect students to potential post-graduation career opportunities with the federal government as well as implementing the Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy. Additional partnership examples include working with a local ministry called Widow’s Oil, whose mission is to secure affordable housing for the growing homeless population, Dr. Williams organized and paved the way for the high school’s construction students to build the tiny houses that Widow’s Oil requested. Dublin High School students are currently able to participate in internships through Wild Bore Plant Services, Fairview Park Hospital, local barbers, the City of Dublin’s Teen Court Program, the Leaping Leprechaun Learning Academy, and DCS’s Communications Department.

Above and beyond his continued commitment to Dublin City’s students, staff, and families, Dr. Williams is a:
–Legislative Committee Member and serves on the Georgia State School Superintendent Board of Directors.
–Georgia High School Association Executive Committee Member.
–Georgia Department of Education Charter Advisory Committee Member.
–Part of the Georgia Charter System Foundation’s Board of Directors.
–Georgia School Board Association Superintendent Advisory Board Member.
–Heart of Georgia RESA Board of Control GSSA Representative.
–Heart of Georgia RESA Board of Control Legislative Committee Member.

A community-minded leader through and through, Dr. Williams is also:
–Chairman of the Dublin-Laurens County Development Authority.
–Part of the Middle Georgia State University Board of Trustees.
–Part of Communities in School of Laurens-Twiggs County Board of Directors.
–A member of the Dublin Rotary Club.
–A member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated Omicron Mu Chapter.
–An ex-officio member of the Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce.

He is also the pastor of Turkey Creek Missionary Baptist Church.

In 2023, Dr. Williams became the first recipient of the Georgia School Superintendents Association’s Marvin E. Lewis Sr. Trailblazer Award. He also received the Georgia School Superintendents Association President’s Award in April 2017, the Georgia School Public Relations Association’s Outstanding Leadership in School/Community Relations Award in 2019 as well as the Dublin Laurens County Black History Festival’s 2016 Man of the Year Award, and 2022 Pastoral Excellence Award. He was also inducted into Clark Atlanta University’s Football Hall of Fame in August 2012 and named the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association’s Assistant Coach of the Year in 1993, 1994, 1998, and 2001.

Dr. Williams earned a bachelor of science degree in Health and Physical Education from Clark Atlanta University, his master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Troy University, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University. He is also a proud 2023 “graduate” of the Griffin RESA Dyslexia Endorsement Program, where he was the lone superintendent exploring the critical components of language, literacy development, and neurobiological origins that assist in defining the needs of students with dyslexia.

Dr. Williams is a native of Plantation, Florida. He is married to Melissa, and they are the proud parents of three Dublin High School graduates: Whitley, Frederick II, and Gracelyn. In September 2022, he became a first-time grandpa, joyfully welcoming his grandson, Carter Grayson Williams, to the family.

Past AASA Georgia Superintendent of the Year Winners:

2023 Georgia Superintendent of the Year: Trent North

2022 Georgia Superintendent of the Year: Noris Price

2021 Georgia Superintendent of the Year: Michael Duncan

About the Award:

The Superintendent of the Year program, sponsored by First Student and AASA, pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools.

State-level winners are selected on the following criteria:

    • Leadership for Learning
    • Communication
    • Professionalism
    • Community Involvement

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