For one day, First Student employees are getting into the garage sale business. In mid-June, employees from the London, Ontario, location will be hosting a rummage sale for their Alberta counterparts devastated by Fort McMurray wildfires. “We have approximately 30 drivers that live in Fort Mac and at least half of them have lost their homes, lost everything,” said Location Manager Janice White. “This is an opportunity for us to let the Fort McMurray employees know (we) truly care.” The St. Thomas branch got the idea to raise money for the company’s Fort McMurray bus drivers after the First Student office in Georgetown, Ontario, launched a donation drive of its own. But instead of just accepting cash, the local team thought they’d have more success by hosting a community fundraiser. The 20-person volunteer group has set a $2,500 goal, though employee Kate Hamilton, whose home is playing host to the big sale, is pretty confident they’ll hit the $4,500 mark by day’s end. “Everybody just wants to help right now,” she said, adding the group is working hard to get the word out in the community. The more we sell, the better it is.”
First Student employees Kate Hamilton, left, Sandy Bond and St. Thomas Location Manager Janice White are organizing a fundraising barbecue and garage sale to benefit First Student bus drivers who have been forced from their homes in Fort McMurray. The location will host the event on June 18. (Photo and information courtesy St. Thomas Times