Location Manager Mike McLeavy from Location #12528 in Falmouth, MA received a call from Greg Kennedy, Director of Transportation for the
Falmouth Public Schools. A mom currently battling cancer and undergoing chemo-therapy treatment, called the school in tears to personally thank a First Student school bus driver. She said her son made a special, handmade “get-well” card and when asked how he got the supplies, he said, “Miss Karen, my school bus driver, gave me the supplies so I could make it for you.” Overwhelmed and overjoyed, the mother wanted the school to know how much she appreciated this kind gesture, and wished to extend thanks to Driver Karen O’Laughlin for her thoughtfulness and compassion. “It was just the right thing to do for this little boy,” said Karen. “I noticed as time went by how withdrawn he had become, not wanting to talk or sit by anyone. When he finally confided in me about his mom’s health, I asked him if he would like to make a card for his mom, and he agreed.” Karen purchased several craft supplies later that week and gave it to the boy who in turn, made a beautiful card. “It is great to know that we have a driver like Karen with this type of care and concern for her students,” said Mike. “We are very proud of her and what she brings to First Student as she upholds our values of being Committed to our Customers.”