The area surrounding Fort Bend County, Texas, was devastated by flooding in late May and early June. Due to the severity of the storms and flooding, President Barack Obama signed a disaster declaration for a 12-county area. Fort Bend County authorities estimate that 4,000 residents have seen their homes flooded and the losses in public infrastructure is estimated at $14 million so far. In the midst of the storms, the First Student team went into action to help their community. Our sister company, First Transit, in Sugarland, Texas, coordinated with Houston, Texas-based First Transit and First Student locations for assistance. Collectively, these teams worked together to evacuate more than 300 residents along with their pets and personal belongings. The team also shuttled residents to the local YMCA which made its locker room facilities available for showers and other personal needs. Shuttle services were also provided to the local laundry mat, places of employment, Red Cross shelter and other social service agencies. The First Transit and First Student teams provided 24-hour, on-site management at the Fort Bend County Emergency Operations Center for five days and provided drivers on-call 24/7 for ten days. The team partnered with local Gringos Mexican Restaurant to feed the first responders and drivers assisted the displaced residents with donations of much needed items such as suitcases, clothes and food. Both First Transit and First Student teams embodied our vision and values in their efforts. Despite overwhelming odds, they worked together to keep their community moving and prospering in the face of disaster.
Pictured in bottom, right photo, front row from left to right: James Butler, Yevette McNeese, Samantha Hoelscher, Megan Stallinger, Raquel Arellano, Melba Banks, Ariel Arellano, and Lashandra Baker. Back row, from left to right: Elijah Kendall, Jerry Hines, Charles Strawder, Julia Walton, Dantoine Churchman, Terry Parkinson, Bertram Christal, Yandry Romero and Steve Miller