Booker T. Washington once said, “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”
Good words to live by, and for employees at Location #20245 in Coos Bay, Oregon, they took these words to heart as they participated in the “Bus Jam Toy and Food Drive” on Saturday, December 3.
For the past 15 years, First Student has been a partner in this community event by donating four buses, as well as staff and drivers to collect and transport donations to a local food bank (South Coast Food Share) and a toy distribution center.
Buses were strategically placed at collection sites throughout the county.
This year the drive collected:
• 3,189 toys
• 12,980 pounds of food; and
• $9,337 in monetary donations
The drive yielded enough toys to make 588 children smile this Christmas and helped stock local food pantry shelves with nutritious food.
During these tough economic times it certainly takes a caring community to help those less fortunate and the “Bus Jam Toy and Food Drive” will certainly help deserving families this holiday season.
“I am honored to work side-by-side with my team members to assist those in need in our community,” said Location Manager Becki Mascarenas. “It’s a great way to show First Student’s local engagement.”