High school athletes are accustomedto hearing speeches before a big game.But for some students who play for the Knights boy’s baseball team atEpiscopal High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, one impromptu speech was a talkthey will remember for the rest of their life.
On Tuesday, March 22, 2017, First Student Location #11323 – Central Cityin Baton Rouge, LA. was contracted by the Episcopal High School Knights totransport the team to play their arch rival the Raiders of Runnels High School.
When the bus arrived at the Traction Sports Performance facility, an unexpectedguest was waiting ready to board to deliver a pep talk to the players.
Brett Favre, 20-year NFL veteran and former quarterback who played one-year forthe Atlanta Falcons, 16-years for the Green Bay Packers, one-year for the New YorkJets and two-years for the Minnesota Vikings, boarded the bus and gave a rousingmotivational speech that uplifted the athletes.
“I couldn’t believe it when I saw Brett boarding my bus,” saidFirst Student driver Ken Watson. “He gave a great encouraging speech to theplayers – one I’m sure the players will never forget.”
The talk only lasted a few minutes, but the memories and excitement it createdfor these students certainly will linger for a lifetime.
Inspired by the speech, the Knights went on to win the game 16-7!