Dispatcher Ron Jones, from Location #20275 in Parkville, Missouri, recently competed in the 48th Annual Sertoma BBQ for the Sertoma-Schiefelbusch Communication Camp for children with special communication needs. This camp is a collaborative effort between the Lawrence Sertoma Club and the Schiefelbusch Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic at the University of Kansas. Children come to the camp to explore their world and improve their communication skills while participating in summer camp activities. “It was such an incredible experience for me,” said Ron. “I had a great time showcasing my barbecue skills during the competition while at the same time talking to so many people about the great career opportunities at First Student. I wish to thank First Student for allowing me to participate, and I plan to be back next year.” Ron placed sixth in the “Best Ribs” competition and third in the “People’s Choice” category.