Getting to and from school or daycare can create anxiety for first-time riders and their parents. First Student strives to lessen that apprehension by providing your children with skilled, understanding drivers and monitors, as well as a stable and safe transportation environment.
Some other tips for easing your child’s anxiety about the bus ride include the following:
- Attend your school district’s “Meet your School Bus Driver/Tour a Bus” event, which often occurs a few weeks before the start of each school year. If an event is not scheduled, contact your school or your local First Student location.
- Before the first day of school, point out the bus stop where you and your child will go to meet the bus each morning.
- If you haven’t met, be sure to introduce yourself and your child to the bus driver on the first day of school. This way, your child will be sure to get on the right bus to come home at the end of the day. Your child’s teacher will also be there to help.
- Reassure your child that you or someone your child knows well, such as a day care provider, will be there at the end of the day.
- Enjoy the ride! Teach your child some easy-to-remember safety tips about how to behave that will help create a positive experience on the bus.