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Robert Romines
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Robert Romines

Dr. Robert Romines accepted the position of Superintendent for Moore Public Schools in May 2013. He is a product of Moore Public Schools, born and raised in Moore and from a long line of educators. Dr. Romines began his career as an elementary teacher in 1994, then became a principal in 1998. In 2008, he was promoted to Director of Elementary Education and was appointed as the Assistant Superintendent responsible for Personnel and Elementary Education in 2010.

Dr. Romines has been a staunch advocate for mental and emotional health. He has led important conversations with students, staff, and his administrative team to develop a districtwide initiative for mental and emotional health. Dr. Romines has led through many tragedies, from weather related, mental/emotional health concerns including suicide, and other events that resulted in loss of student and/or staff members’ lives, throughout his term as Superintendent. Superintendent Romines led efforts to continue education in Moore Public Schools and provide some type of normalcy for a hurting and/or stressed community.

Past AASA Oklahoma Superintendent of the Year Winners:

2020 Oklahoma Superintendent of the Year: Stacey Butterfield

2019 Oklahoma Superintendent of the Year: Sean McDaniel

About the Superintendent of the Year:

As a sponsor of the superintendent of the Year program, First Student wants to recognize these leaders in a special way this year, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption that has affected all education systems but also the innovative approaches that the superintendents and school districts addressed through radio, television, zoom and take-home packages. These superintendents are the very best in public  education and are needed more than ever during this crisis.

About the Award:

The superintendent of the Year program, sponsored by First Student and AASA, The School superintendents Association, pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools.

State level winners are selected on the following criteria:

  • Leadership for Learning
  • Communication
  • Professionalism
  • Community Involvement

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