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Randy Jensen
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Randy Jensen

Randy Jensen is currently in his 39th year of dedicated service in the field of education. He holds the position of Superintendent within the American Falls School District. Randy’s journey in education has been a remarkable one, marked by a deep commitment to fostering a positive learning environment.

Before taking on the role of Superintendent, Randy Jensen has served as a teacher for four years and a middle school principal for 28 years all in American Falls.

Throughout his career, Randy has consistently demonstrated that the key to his success lies in his ability to build strong relationships and serve those he works with. His approach to leadership is defined by collaboration, trust, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of students and staff.

In 2005, he was recognized as the NASSP National Principal of the Year. Additionally, in 2016, he was honored with the Association for Middle Level Educators Distinguished Educator of the Year award, highlighting his exceptional achievements in middle-level education.

He has been named the Idaho Principal of the Year (2004), Middle Level Educator of the Year (2008), Idaho Education Technology Association Administrator of the Year (2021), Idaho Ag Teachers Association Administrator of the Year (2022) and Idaho State University Distinguished Alumni Award in 2013.

In the summer of 2005, Randy Jensen further enriched his educational journey by serving as a Fulbright Scholar in Brazil, where he shared his expertise and insights with school leaders throughout Brazil.

Randy has been a featured speaker at many national, state and regional conferences. He is a certified trainer for The Power of Positive Leadership and Understanding the Framework of Poverty.

Beyond his professional achievements, Randy is highly involved in numerous state and local organizations, where he continues to make a meaningful impact on the educational landscape and in his community.

He currently serves as Chairman of the Board for the Idaho Digital Learning Alliance and is a Founding Member of Friends of the Children in Southeast Idaho. He serves on the Governors K-12 Council, Board of the Idaho Association of School Administrators and is the Regional President of the Superintendents Association. Additionally he is on the Idaho State University Dean’s Advisory Board and the Association for Middle Level Educators Foundation Board.

Locally he is a member of the American Falls Chamber of Commerce, Power County Emergency Services Committee, Impact East idaho and the Lions Club where he has received the International Directors Commendation for Distinguished Service and the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.

He has previously served as President of the Idaho Middle Level Association and on the Board of Directors of both the National Middle School Association (1999-2004) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (2015-2017).

Outside of his professional life, Randy shares his journey with his wife Kristen of 37 years who is serving her 32nd year on the American Falls City Council and her 21st year was a gifted and talented educator for the American Falls School District. Together, they have raised four adult children and are proud grandparents of three amazing grandchildren.

Randy Jensen’s dedication to education, his commitment to building strong relationships, and his outstanding leadership have left an indelible mark on the American Falls School District and the field of education as a whole.

Past AASA Idaho Superintendent of the Year Winners:

2023 Idaho Superintendent of the Year: Dr. Becky Meyer

2022 Idaho Superintendent of the Year: Brady Dickinson

2021 Idaho Superintendent of the Year: Rob Sauer

About the Award:

The Superintendent of the Year program, sponsored by First Student and AASA, pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools.

State-level winners are selected on the following criteria:

    • Leadership for Learning
    • Communication
    • Professionalism
    • Community Involvement

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