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Dr. Roger Freeman
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Dr. Roger Freeman

Dr. Freeman became the Littleton Elementary School District Superintendent in 2006. During his tenure the district has had to respond to both rapid growth and extreme recessionary cuts. Under his leadership, the District has implemented a series of capital projects, including four new state-of-the-art school campuses, two school additions, the implementation of an online school, four extensive renovations modernization of every campus as well as complete renovation of the District Office. Littleton is home to choice enrollment schools that provide transportation of students all over the district to nine uniquely different focus academies to allow students to choose the learning opportunities that best motivate their future success.

The District actively develops leadership at all levels to help leaders learn to constructively manage change. Dr. Freeman speaks and presents at professional meetings, serves on educational organization and Department of Education advisory committees in the areas of public policy, testing and accountability, has served on numerous professional committees and boards, and has been an active member of professional associations. Through these collaborations, Dr. Freeman has conferred with Governors Symington and Napolitano and worked with Governors Brewer, Ducey and Hobbs. In addition to his own keynote addresses, Dr. Freeman has had the privilege of introducing presentations by Governor Doug Ducey as well as Senator John McCain. These relationships have allowed Dr. Freeman to ensure the Littleton District has a voice on the state and national level for education.

Dr. Freeman has also served a term as a JTED School Board member for West MEC. He was nominated by Littleton Board Members and staff for superintendent of the year and was recognized as the 2010 All Arizona Superintendent for medium size districts. Dr. Freeman was also awarded the Arizona Distinguished Administrator for Superintendents in 2011. He was awarded the 2021 R.S. Kellis Distinguished Leadership award for leaders that have made a significant contribution to a districts’ mission, vision and values. Most recently, Dr. Freeman was awarded the 2022 HOPE Honors Medal for his contributions to instilling the Kids at Hope philosophy to the Littleton District. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for ABEC, where he serves as the Policy Co-chair, and WestMARC, where he serves as co-chair of the education and workforce development committee. Dr. Freeman served 4 terms on the Arizona School Administrators Association Board, where he served an unprecedented two years as President.

Before coming to Littleton he worked in Instructional Support and as a principal at Paradise Valley Unified School District. He served for twelve years as principal at two Arizona A++ Title I schools and was awarded the Arizona Distinguished Administrator for the Elementary level in 2002. Dr. Freeman earned his doctorate from Arizona State University and taught as a graduate instructor of teaching foundations and methods for several years. Before entering administration, Dr. Freeman taught in Texas and Arizona for five years, and was Department Chairperson for Mathematics at Estrella Middle School.

Throughout all of his work with community, state and national organizations, Dr. Freeman has been able to provide a long-lasting impact on the Littleton Community. His efforts have helped pass continuous override and bond elections since 2008. This has resulted in updated curriculum, supplies, buildings, technology and many other resources allowing the students of the Littleton District community, which has a high Title 1 population, to be able to learn alongside grade level peers of much more affluent districts. Dr. Freeman’s efforts have also provided invaluable partnerships such as with the local CTE high school district, West-MEC, to provide collaborative experiences, with real world learning opportunities, that students may not have been able to experience before.

Past AASA Arizona Superintendent of the Year Winners:

2023 Arizona Superintendent of the Year: Dr. Lupita Hightower

2022 Arizona Superintendent of the Year: Quincy Natay

2021 Arizona Superintendent of the Year: Donna Lewis

About the Award:

The Superintendent of the Year program, sponsored by First Student and AASA, pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools.

State-level winners are selected on the following criteria:

    • Leadership for Learning
    • Communication
    • Professionalism
    • Community Involvement

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