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Dr. Joseph Macary
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Dr. Joseph Macary

Joseph Macary, Ed.D. is currently serving as the Superintendent of Schools for the Town of Vernon, Connecticut since October 2015. The Vernon Public Schools is a CT Alliance District with 3500 students, 7 schools and a regional adult education program. Before that, Dr. Macary successfully served as the Superintendent of Schools for the Town of Wolcott, Connecticut from July 2009 to September 2015. He is currently in his 15th year as a Connecticut Superintendent. Dr. Macary was employed with the Wolcott Public Schools from October 2005, serving as the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction and the Director of Student Services and Alternate Programs.

Dr. Macary started his teaching career in the Waterbury Public Schools as a Social Studies Teacher at Wilby High School and then at Crosby High School. At Crosby, he became the Social Studies Department Chair and Athletic Director at the school. Dr. Macary graduated from Crosby High School and the University of Connecticut with a bachelor’s degree, majoring in Political Science and a concentration in Economics. He graduated from Quinnipiac College with a master’s degree in teaching and then received his Sixth Year Degree from Southern Connecticut State University in Educational Leadership. Dr. Macary received his doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Connecticut in August 2016.

Dr. Macary was selected “Who’s Who among American’s High School Teacher” three times. In 2014, he was selected “Educator of the Year” by the Greater Waterbury Boys & Girls Club and in 2016, Dr. Macary was selected as the Distinguished Alumni for the Executive (ELP) Leadership Program at UConn. Dr. Macary received the Albert J. Kerkin Award for exemplary services to adult education in 2022 and the Outstanding School Superintendent award by the UConn Neag Alumni Board in 2023. He is a member of the Connecticut Association of Public Schools Superintendents (CAPSS) and served as the area chair for two regional superintendent groups. Joe is a resident of Wolcott, Connecticut, where he lives with his wife and two sons.

Past AASA Connecticut Superintendent of the Year Winners:

2023 Connecticut Superintendent of the Year: Jan Perruccio

2022 Connecticut Superintendent of the Year: Thomas Moore

2021 Connecticut Superintendent of the Year: Paul Freeman

About the Award:

The Superintendent of the Year program, sponsored by First Student and AASA, pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools.

State-level winners are selected on the following criteria:

    • Leadership for Learning
    • Communication
    • Professionalism
    • Community Involvement

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