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Diana Greene
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Diana Greene

Prior to becoming a superintendent in Duval County, Dr. Greene served as Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent of Instructional Services in Manatee County. During her 33-year career as an educator, she has spent time as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal as well as in curriculum development, staff development and senior executive leadership. As superintendent, Dr. Green had 3 major goals:

1. Improve academic achievement to become an “A” rated school district

2. Improve safety and security, and

3. Bring financial solvency to the district. The district has made outstanding progress on each goal.


Past AASA Florida Superintendent of the Year Winners:

2020 Florida Superintendent of the Year: Sandra Himmel

2019 Florida Superintendent of the Year: Malcolm Thomas

About the Superintendent of the Year:

As a sponsor of the superintendent of the Year program, First Student wants to recognize these leaders in a special way this year, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption that has affected all education systems but also the innovative approaches that the superintendents and school districts addressed through radio, television, zoom and take-home packages. These superintendents are the very best in public  education and are needed more than ever during this crisis.

About the Award:

The superintendent of the Year program, sponsored by First Student and AASA, The School superintendents Association, pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools.

State level winners are selected on the following criteria:

  • Leadership for Learning
  • Communication
  • Professionalism
  • Community Involvement

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