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Dr. Dan Shelton
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Dr. Dan Shelton

In 1998, Dr. Dan Shelton began his educational career in the Christina School District where he was employed until 2015. During his tenure at Christina, he worked as a Principal of Kirk Middle School, and as Principal and Assistant Principal at various elementary schools in the district including Smith Elementary, Maclary Elementary, Jones Elementary and Gallaher Elementary. He also served as Principal of the Christina Early Education Center and held a position as Teacher of Technology at Drew/Pyle in the City of Wilmington. In addition to his work experience, Dr. Shelton also served as an Instructor, University of Delaware College of Education, for seven years.

Prior to returning to Christina to serve as Superintendent in 2020, Dr. Shelton was the Superintendent of the Capital School District from 2015-2020. In Capital, he facilitated a comprehensive Strategic Plan and Long Range Facilities Master Plan with broad community input and support which resulted in a successful referendum to build a unique Dual Middle School providing equity and access for all students. The plan also led to a comprehensive teaching and learning model developed to improve instructional practices and foster collegial conversations around student learning.

He earned his Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degree from the University of Delaware. In 2012, he was chosen as Delaware’s National Distinguished Principal of the Year.

Dr. Shelton is a native Delawarean. He has three children, one daughter Kylie, and twin sons, Tyler and Brady. His volunteerism also extends to his family life as he served as a Volunteer Swim Coach. He spends time with the Delaware Dance Company, a non-profit dance and performing school, serving as Vice President of the Board of Directors, and as Stage Crew Manager during performances.

Past AASA Delaware Superintendent of the Year Winners:

2021 Delaware Superintendent of the Year: Kevin Fitzgerald

2020 Delaware Superintendent of the Year: Heath Chasanov

About the Superintendent of the Year:

As a sponsor of the superintendent of the Year program, First Student wants to recognize these leaders in a special way this year, because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption that has affected all education systems but also the innovative approaches that the superintendents and school districts addressed through radio, television, zoom and take-home packages. These superintendents are the very best in public  education and are needed more than ever during this crisis.

About the Award:

The superintendent of the Year program, sponsored by First Student and AASA, The School superintendents Association, pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools.

State level winners are selected on the following criteria:

  • Leadership for Learning
  • Communication
  • Professionalism
  • Community Involvement

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