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It’s a First Group value to trust each other to deliver and work to help one another succeed – see below for common employee questions and ways we can support you.
If you are interested in working for First Student please visit our Careers site to fill out an application. For questions about an existing application, please call our recruiting hotline at 513-419-3222.
For questions regarding your paycheck, W2 forms or to make direct deposit, federal tax exemptions and address changes please use ADP Employee Self-Service. If you have never used ADP Employee Self-Service, you can find step-by-step instructions on how to use ADP Self-Service by clicking here. Help is also available by emailing ipayissues@firstgroup.com. Employees who have questions regarding payroll are asked to call the Payroll Hotline at 1-877-589-8589.
For benefit questions about eligibility, enrollment and packets please call 833-277-8056 or visit www.myfirststop.net. To find your First America Health Care plan information visit https://transparency-in-coverage.uhc.com/.
For questions or concerns about policy, or to report behaviors contradictory to internal policy or legal requirements, please contact Human Resources or the Ethics and Compliance Hotline by calling 877-322-5534. Employees are encouraged to report, anonymously if they wish, instances of suspected or known violations of company policy or law including instances of safety or security breaches, and any potential instances of fraud, theft, harassment or discrimination.
Submit employment requests and verifications through The Work Number website or call 800-367-5690. Company reference codes are First Student: 12987 and Laidlaw (prior to 2008): 12811.
Fax DOT employment verification requests to 513-419-8618.
For employee garnishment questions, please contact the garnishment’s department at fga_garnishments@firstgroup.com.
If you are interested in providing products or services to First Student, please contact our purchasing department at 877-342-1999 or fgapurchasing@firstgroup.com.
If you are a current vendor and would like to check the status of your invoices and payments, please visit our Vendor Portal.
To update your vendor remittance or banking information, please contact our Customer Service team at vendorinquiries@firstgroup.com.
Our feedback portal is available for parents and community members to share busing questions, suggestions, compliments, and concerns with their local First Student office. Your feedback should route to the nearest First Student depot to assist you. If your district doesn’t utilize First Student for busing, please visit your district’s website to ensure your feedback gets to the right place. Thank you for sharing your feedback with First Student!